7 Most Affordable MBA Program in UAE


The fact that people sacrifice their dream of pursuing a postgraduate course as a result of hefty tuition fees is not long gone. Even today, you will find people backing out of a master’s program in the wake of its expensiveness. “Especially an MBA; it’s challenging to find an affordable MBA program in UAE. We hear you and agree with you. But, let us tell you that an MBA has become more affordable than ever before. Besides, an MBA degree is a great investment with greater returns. Have you heard the old and world-famous adage – “investment in knowledge pays the best interest”? An MBA is an ideal example for this saying.

Mentioned below are top 7 qualities of an affordable MBA program in UAE. If you are looking for an MBA that is easy on the pockets as well as fruitful you will come across many. But not every course will serve you as you desire. Thus, take a close look at these attributes. They tend to give you a heads up that you are eyeing at the best affordable MBA program in UAE.

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Qualities of an affordable MBA program in UAE

  1. Blended learning
  2. Weekend classes
  3. Quality standard education
  4. Latest industry knowledge
  5. Professional and able teaching faculty
  6. MBA specializations
  7. Value for money
  8. MBA at King’s Business School

MBA at King’s Business School


Qualities of an affordable MBA program in UAE

Blended learning

An MBA following a blended style of learning does not intend to burn a hole in your pocket. Since the classes are online, students can find accommodation right where they are. They don’t need to relocate or initiate a change in address, saving a fortune.

Weekend classes

Weekend classes come bearing perks galore. As they allow candidates to work during the week, they are not compelled to resign and have their focus directed to studies only. Students can work and study at the same time; their source of income (via a job during the week) is not hindered.

Besides, weekend classes strike a work-life balance. An affordable MBA program in UAE with blended learning over the weekends is one of the best career progression combinations for the working class.

Quality standard education

“If it’s expensive, it will be good!”, this notion is well-perceived in our society. However, today, people are accommodating themselves to a new lens of perception – not every high-priced entity will be as valuable as it may seem.

On the other hand, an economical service can be greater than anticipated. A dip in price does not necessarily translate to a dip in quality. It is possible for you to garner quality standard MBA education at affordable fees.

Latest industry knowledge

In regards to the newest market trends and technologies, a business management student is expected to be informed at all times. Furthermore, once he is a graduate, he needs to have a deep understanding of the contemporary market; if he wishes to land a decent job.

In a motive to cultivate the habit of being in the loop amongst its students, a good MBA endeavors to deliver the latest industry knowledge. So, if you are on the lookout for a genuine & affordable MBA program in UAE, don’t forget to tick mark this box!

Professional and able teaching faculty

More than often, MBA students know their destination. However, the journey gets easier and smoother when backed by an adept and experienced support system; in the form of a teacher. The right guidance can help learners boost their career growth.

An excellent affordable MBA program in UAE is mentored by a senior cohort of industrial professionals. They not only impart a great deal of theoretical knowledge but also host on-field visits to give students a view of the business in the real world.

Additionally, they organize guest lectures, discussion forums, workshops and other practical activities giving out a rich hands-on experience to the students. Lastly, their assessment module is thorough to ensure personal as well as professional development.

MBA specializations

The business industry is evolving with every passing day. With new technologies and requirements barging in, new disciplines have come into picture. A new adaptation of the old skill set is needed to serve a whole new purpose. For this reason, not only revised curriculums but also new specializations have been set up. So, when you search for an affordable MBA program in UAE, as per your interests, make sure you get your hands on the most fitting and appropriate option.

Value for money

The competition out there is intense. You will come across a boatload of MBA offers. Every offer may have something that can tempt you, but be aware. Make sure you weigh and screen your options well. Make sure your choice of an affordable MBA program in UAE offers you value for money alongside its other parameters.

MBA at King’s Business School

You need not hunt anymore if the aforementioned attributes of an affordable MBA program in UAE convince you. An MBA at King’s Business School comes as a complete package. From blended learning to value for money, our MBA specializations are one of the best in the UAE and worldwide.

They have 2 stages – Postgraduate Diploma (Stage 1) and the MBA (Stage 2). Each stage represents the completion of a post-graduate qualification and an exit point. In summary, candidates take home 2 certifications on successful completion.

We have more than 15 MBA specializations to offer. Each discipline is better than the rest with latest industry knowledge and more. Do check out the various specifications of different specializations.


In recent times, education has grown to become a big-budget business. Besides, the high tuition fee is only the tip of the iceberg! What lies under is other miscellaneous costs including books, food, lodging and more. A fix to this concern can be an affordable MBA program in UAE from King’s Business School.

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