
We equip students and tutors with the knowledge, skills, and applied competencies for specialized study and employability, in support of the principles of lifelong learning. Perlego is a digital online library focusing on the delivery of a wide range of academic and professional eBooks. On Perlego you can access some of the prescribed and recommended textbooks online to provide in-depth reading and understanding of the subjects and to help improve your critical thinking and reflection of the learning. To request access to Perlego e-library, you must write to the school administrator at [email protected]
  • Our administrator will respond to your request by providing you with the registration link and code.
  • As soon as you receive the registration link and code, you are requested to register immediately.
  • Do not share the registration code with anyone, sharing this code will result in your rights to access being suspended.
  • If your library privileges are blocked access will not be granted, and you will be informed of the reasons.
  • You must be a current student of King’s Business School in order to access our e-library service.
Once you have been granted the access click on https://www.perlego.com/login and enter the access credentials provided by the school to proceed. Additionally, there are many open access libraries that offer access to thousands of academic journals, books, and primary sources in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Some of the prominent libraries are listed down for learners to access.

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